How I got acquainted with the art of a butterfly touch – my first tantric massage

When I thought about what to write about in this post, I remembered my first tantric massage. It was shortly after I had moved to Prague and I was not enjoying quiet times. I got new work, new colleagues, I was looking for lodgings, and finally, I broke with my girlfriend, for which I, among other things, came to Prague. And that’s when I experienced the beneficial effects of one of the forms of erotic massages – the tantra massage, for the first time. You can read a brief overview with further information here.
Tantra – understanding, awareness, and the art of a touch
Basically, I visited the massage parlour by coincidence. The session began with an interview where the masseuse talked to me like an old friend – I had a feeling I knew her and that I could completely trust her. We talked for a short while, and this seed connection – the soul-consciousness, also influenced the massage proper.
During the preparatory and cleansing bath, I experienced the so-called pressure massage with a hot washcloth that stimulated my blood and relaxed my muscles. The naked masseuse touched me not only with her hands and the washcloth but also with the concentrated streams of warm water. It can almost sound like a cliché, but I ultimately felt my stress and negative energy flowing away from me. My whole body vibrated with expectation. After bathing, she wrapped me in warm, soft towels, and I felt like a happy cat that just got a big bowl of cream.
Wide range of touches
We went to the massage bed, and the soothing music began to sound in the room. My eyes were closed so that I could concentrate only on my own feelings and my body, and I became acutely aware of myself – the surrounding world completely vanished except for the movements of my masseuse’s hands. They started at the lower of my back; she poured scented oil on my back and began to spread it with slow and deep touches. The feeling of relaxation passed through my body, and it’s hard to compare it to anything. She was slowly stroking me, run her fingers all over my back and buttock in swirling movements, rubbed her palms against my skin, deeply kneaded my muscles, and she was even lightly ‘knocking’ on me.
Feet massage – the biggest surprise
I have to admit that the biggest surprise for me was the feet massage – or also foot reflexology (if you want to learn more, have a look here). Since then the feet have been my erotogenic zone number one; even though they are often mistakenly forgotten. When she massaged the space between my feet fingers, I experienced a really intense wave of energy.
Butterfly touches
When the massage of the front of the body started, the masseuse began to use the so-called butterfly touches – she stroked the area of my abdomen and genitals with incredibly delicate smoothing touches that together with the warm oil gave me a feeling of warmth that spilt into the entire body. As the whole massage approached the end, my sexual tension grew, and I was very excited. Finally, I reached the climax in the course of a prostate massage.
The whole massage was carried out as a celebration of the art of touch and intimacy of the human body. It is quite strange that this first massage was relatively simple regarding its course and also a little different than any I have experienced later. But it was the first massage, and I will remember it forever. Perhaps you forgive me for this rather intimate confession, but from my point of view, there is no better proof of the beneficial effects of erotic massages than the fact that I left the parlour as a new man full of strength and with a high spirit.